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- 10 Bodyweight HIIT Workouts
- 8 Bodyweight & Dumbbell HIIT Workouts
- 8 Bodyweight, Kettlebells & Dumbbell HIIT Workouts
- 8 Bodyweight, Kettlebells, Medballs & Sandbags HIIT Workouts
- 8 Treadmill HIIT Workouts
- 8 Tri-sets workouts
💪🏼Bodyweight HIIT Workouts:
This section will contain only bodyweight workouts. You will have to complete between 3 or 4 rounds, and rest between 20-30 seconds. This will depend on the level you choose to complete.
💪🏼Bodyweight & Dumbbell HIIT Workouts:
In this section you will complete the first 3 exercises together, one after the other, with almost no rest. You complete 4 rounds and then complete the last 2 exercises together where you must complete 3 rounds.
💪🏼Bodyweight, Kettlebells & Dumbbell HIIT Workouts:
In this section you will move from exercise to exercise with little to no rest in between but you will rest only after the 5th exercise. You will get to rest between 45 to 90 seconds, depending on the fitness level you choose.
💪🏼Bodyweight, Kettlebells, Medballs & Sandbags HIIT Workouts:
These are time based workouts with 3 different durations to choose: 15 minutes, 20 minutes and 30 minutes. You will move from exercise to exercise and only rest what you need to rest.
💪🏼Treadmill HIIT Workouts:
This section will require you to run or jog. Ideally you would run on a treadmill so that you can access your training equipment in the subsequent exercises. If you can’t, take the workout outside. You will have only 3 exercises to perform but you will have to complete between 5-7 rounds.
Tri-sets are some of my favorite conditioning workouts. You will have 2 circuits to complete and each circuit will contain 3 exercises. You do all the 3 exercises back to back and rest only after the 3rd exercise.
These visual workouts will let you:
✔️ Perform a workout between 15-30 minutes long
✔️ Total body workouts
✔️ 50 workouts
✔️ 6 different formats to choose
En Español
Esta descarga vendrá con una versión en inglés y español. Todas las rutinas han sido traducidas en español, menos los nombres de los ejercicios.
💪🏼Bodyweight HIIT Workouts:
Esta sección contendrá solo rutinas con tu propio peso. Tendrás que completar entre 3 o 4 rondas, y descansar entre 20-30 segundos. Esto dependerá del nivel que elijas. Habrá 10 rutinas en esta sección.
💪🏼Bodyweight & Dumbbell HIIT Workouts:
En esta sección completarás los primeros 3 ejercicios juntos, uno tras otro, con casi sin descanso. Completas 4 rondas y luego completas los 2 últimos ejercicios juntos. Completa 3 rondas. Habrá 8 rutinas en esta sección.
💪🏼Bodyweight, Kettlebells & Dumbbell HIIT Workouts:
En esta sección te vas a mover entre un ejercisio a otro. Vas a descansar lo menos posible entre ellos. Pero vas a descansar cuando termines el quinto ejercisio. Habrá 8 rutinas en esta sección.
💪🏼Bodyweight, Kettlebells, Medballs & Sandbags HIIT Workouts:
Estos son entrenamientos basados con tiempo. Hay 3 diferentes duraciones que elegir: 15 minutos, 20 minutes y 30 minutos. Te vas a mover entre un ejercicio a otro y solamente vas a descansar lo que necesites. Habrá 8 rutinas en esta sección.
💪🏼Treadmill HIIT Workouts:
Esta sección requiere que corras. Idealmente usarias una cinta de correr para accesar tu equipo de entrenamiento en los siguiente ejercicios. Si no puedes, haz el entrenamiento afuera. Solo tendrás 3 ejercicios para completar, pero te va tocar hacer entre 5-7 rondas. Habrá 8 rutinas en esta sección.
Los tri-sets son algunos de mis condicionamientos favoritos. Tendrás 2 circuitos para completar y cada circuito contendrá 3 ejercicios. Vas hacer los 3 ejercisios consecutivamente y solo descansaras después de el tercer ejercicio. Habrá 8 rutinas en esta sección.
Estos entrenamientos te permitirán::
✔️ Completar entrenamientos entre 15-30 minutos de duración.
✔️ Ejercicios para todo el cuerpo
✔️ 50 rutinas
✔️ 6 formatos diferentes para elegir
Who is this workout plan for?
This is for someone that is looking to build total body athleticism with HIIT workouts. This e-book does not contain the science behind HIIT training and it's effectiveness. There's plenty of books that already do that. This book is a visual reference for your workouts.
They are simple to understand and only contain enough text to explain the workout. These workouts are fast paced and you will need to be familiar with movements like but not limited to: kettlebell swings, push ups, jump rope, jump squats, step ups, walking lunges, burpees and kettlebell cleans to name a few.
Where can I do this workout?
I created these workouts with the idea of having some essential fitness tools at home. If you don't have these fitness items at home, you can do these workouts at a gym.
How do I get this workout plan?
After you complete purchase you will be routed to a download area where you can download the workouts.
The file will be a PDF. There are various of free apps you can use to view them. Or you can simply open them on your mobile browser.